The Super Original Super Duper Original Fairly Odd Parents Episode

One night, I was watching Nick at Nite when I realized that I'd been up so late that I hadn't even kept track of the time, it was already 4 AM. I don't recall ever watching NAN this late, so I stayed awake to see what would happen when it ended. A little bumper showed up at the bottom of the screen during a commercial break, it said that a special episode of Fairly Odd Parents was about to come on.
I was a little confused about an episode of a very popular, new show coming on this early, but I was bored and decided I would watch it; thinking it might come on later in the day so I could spoil it for my brother. Sort of mean, I know. The flashy and energetic intro theme played, although it was played a little differently than I recall. The music was a little different, and the show's logo wasn't animated, it's colors were done rather sloppily as well, almost like something a little kid would do on a Doodle Board or a Glow Board. I ignored it, assuming that it was done just for this 'special' episode.
The title of the episode was "Timmy's Grieving," a sort of sad title, but I didn't really pay too much attention. It all started with Timmy in his bedroom. His Fairly Odd Parents weren't there at all. Also, the show seemed to have done a sort of crappy job with the animation. The animation looked like if some 4 year old drew the background, and Timmy looked as if some amateur to newgrounds drew him. Next, it shown Richard Watters- I mean Timmy's Dad, crying. His crying was getting even louder and louder. Then, Timmy's Mom came in trying to cheer Timmy's Dad up, but was miserable as well. Then, next, it shown Timmy's Mom and Dad at a random officer with Principal Waxaplax or whatever it's pronounced. Then, The Principal said that Vicky and Cracke- I mean Crocker died in the school. Then, it shown disgusting details of Vicky's dead body with organ everywhere and there was blood as well. Afterwards, it shown Crocker's hand degloved and most of his body was mutilated. There were guts all over the place. Then, there was a note that said something I don't remember. Next, it was a commercial break. I decided to spend this time by checking if Timmy's Grieving existed. Afterwards, the episode came back on. It finally stopped with the disgusting details. Then, I called my brother, and he told me that all that was on was a Spongebob Squarepants re-run. Next, I tried to turn my TV off, but it wouldn't do so. I un-plugged my TV, and it still didn't work. Then, I found out that the doors were locked for the bathroom and the bedroom. Then, I decided to continue watching, but put a blanket over me incase I vomit. Then, Timmy's Mom asked if Timmy was ok. Then, they searched for Timmy, and found Timmy Turner hung in Crocker's classroom. There was a bloody knife. Next, it shown the credits. The credits weren't the normal silly happy credits. They were just blank white credits that were slower. I didn't reconize anyone. Then, it did static, and it shown somebody who looked like my brother get shot. Next, I told the police about it, but they didn't believe me. Next, I decided never to watch Fairly Odd Parents again. If you see an episode called Timmy's Grieving, don't watch it, or you will die. I then posted the creator about this, and he said
"Oh deer, how did you find that? The episode was supposed to be hidden from everyone. That was made to make fun of someone who worked with us. I have a theory that a serial killer edited the tape, then put it on air. I don't know how it only got to your TV. I am sorry. Bye"
So yeah that was my experience.